What is the best thing about a road trip? Music of course. Now it could be the destination but I think it is really the journey or more importantly the music that is playing on the way. Last weekend I went on a road trip with one of my good friends to go shopping in a city about two hours away. I am not a big shopper but some times you just need to get out of town for a day. For the drive up we pluged in my iPod and put it on shuffle. I highly recommend this for those who just don’t know what you want to listen to. Shuffle is a great way to listen to music you forgot you had or haven't listened to in years. On our trip we got a few surprises from our childhood like backstreet boys and Britney spears from the beginning. There is something just so fun about hearing songs from your childhood and realizing that you still know all the words.
I think everyone should take a road trip a least once a year. I know you may not have the time every year so you should make the time. A good road trip can help you relax after a long and stressfull year. You can go with a group of friends or alone if you just want some time to think. Charge you iPod make some mixes or just put on the shuffle. You don't even have to go anywhere important just enjoy the endless road with your music blasting.
The entire Wicked album
Most of the Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack
It's Gonna Be Me: 'N Sync
(You Drive Me) Crazy: Britney Spears
Black Betty: Ram Jam
Eleanor Rigby: The Beatles
Big Girls Don't Cry: Fergie
Hot N Cold: Katy Perry
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach