Now I am being more proactive. I am not going to let my fear of the unknown get in the way of the next stage in my life. Thinking back to my new years resolutions I am going to do what I want and go after things. Being the organizer and planner that I am I created a plan. Step one of my plan is to gather information. This will include finding the places I would like to live, companies I would like to work for, and jobs I would like to or be interested in doing. Step two is to apply everywhere. This means that any company or job on the list that I gather will be applied to in any job, in any city, in any field that I can work. Step 3 is to wait. This will probably be one of the hardest steps because I don't like the suspense of waiting. I want to know. Step 4 hopefully to have multiple job offers so that I can pick whichever one I like most. Step 5 is to freak out and hopefully start my new job!
Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it
- Katherine Whitehorn