
Monday, February 2, 2015

Job Interviews!

A job interview is like a first date. You dress to impress the other person whether it is in a business suit or casual wear. There are always questions you think up ahead of time that you want to ask to get to know the other person better. And there are always butterflies and the hoping that you will get a second interview or even get the job right then.

Well I have two interviews this month. There is the big mi
x of nervousness and excitement that I may get a full time job and move to a new city. There will be a lot involved with getting ready including getting a new outfit (and I am not a clothing shopping person) and researching each place thoroughly. I will be crossing my fingers that I am offered one or both of the jobs.

What I hope these workplaces remember is that they are on the date with me. This means that they are being interviewed as well. I am look at the type of environment and people that I may be spending a lot of time in soon so I want it to be a place I can enjoy and thrive in.

I had an interview in the past with three people interviewing me. This interview was probably one of the worst interviews I had ever had. No one smiled the entire time I was there and they put out this vibe of we are so much better than you and you need to work extremely hard to prove yourself to us (the kind of hard that is impossible to achieve). Now there is only a certain amount of rudeness and intimidation I can take before I know that no matter what I will not be working there. I'm sure that they didn't care one way or the other but even if they had I would not have continued on with them in any aspect.

For all you who are looking for jobs and going on interviews, I hope you find your dream job. And for those who are interviewing people don't forget to be kind and professional and remember that you are on that first date too and should try to make a good impression.

You have Brains in your Head.
You have Feet in your Shoes.
You can Steer yourself an 
Direction you Choose.
- Dr. Seuss

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